Interestingly Loyola college in Chennai, where the survey was conducted, had the distinction of housing actors like Vijay, Vikram and Suriya. Though Ajith did not received education from Loyola, he has managed to win the poll conducted by the famed college. Rajinikanth came close to Ajith with 15.9 percent thereby, winning the second place. Other actors like Vijay, Kamal Haasan and Suriya won the third, fourth and fifth place respectively. While 9 percent of votes were directed towards the Puli actor, Kamal Haasan managed to get 5.9 percent of the total votes. Suriya managed to attract 4.3 percent of votes.
Interestingly Loyola college in Chennai, where the survey was conducted, had the distinction of housing actors like Vijay, Vikram and Suriya. Though Ajith did not received education from Loyola, he has managed to win the poll conducted by the famed college. Rajinikanth came close to Ajith with 15.9 percent thereby, winning the second place. Other actors like Vijay, Kamal Haasan and Suriya won the third, fourth and fifth place respectively. While 9 percent of votes were directed towards the Puli actor, Kamal Haasan managed to get 5.9 percent of the total votes. Suriya managed to attract 4.3 percent of votes.